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Treasure Feeling Spring Sewing Set


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Punti usati per il ricamo: Punto Croce, Leaves Stitch, Daisy Stitch modificato

Materiale necessario per questo sewing set

Stoffa: 32ct. Belfast Zweigart Cream

Fili in seta: Thread and Gatherer SNC 303 Green Dragon
Thread and Gatherer SNC 972 Honey Blues
Thread and Gatherer SNC 316 Gold Coast
Stef Francis Silk #16
Perline : Mill Hill 02088 – Opal Capri ( 2 packs)
Mill Hill 02031- Citron ( 1 pack)
Gutterman 7495 – 2mm Bugle Beads
Embellishments n.3 : Swaroswky Flower ,little Swarowsky Button Flower , little Button Swarowsky
Silk Ribbons : 4 mm. SR4 The Thread Gatherer
Il Set è composto da : un neddlebook, uno scissor case, uno scissor fob

designed by Maria Teresa Vitali

an MTV Designs Creation

copyright March 2008


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